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SSMG Young Investigator Runner-up Award
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Medical Genetics (SSMG), Basel, 27.-28.04.2023
Recipient: David Grubich Atac
SSMG Young Investigator Runner-up Award
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Medical Genetics (SSMG), 21.-22.01.2021
Recipient: David Grubich Atac
Best Presentation Award
14th PhD ImMed Retreat, Rapperswil, 03.-04.06.2019
Recipient: David Grubich Atac
Retina Suisse Award for best presentation and project
Swiss Eye Research Meeting, Biel, 24.-25.01.2013
Recipient: Romain Da Costa
Retina Suisse Award for best presentation and project
Swiss Eye Research Meeting, Biel, 26.-27.01.2012
Recipient: Jurian Zürcher
Retina Suisse Award for best presentation and project
Swiss Eye Research Meeting, Biel, 28.-29.01.2010
Recipient: John Neidhardt, Ph.D.
Retina Suisse Award for best presentation and project
Swiss Eye Research Meeting, Biel, 10.-11.02.2009
Recipient: Nikolaus Schäfer
Research Award 2006 of Pro Retina Germany & Retina Suisse
Recipient: Christina Zeitz, Ph.D.